Home » food grade additives,emulsifier ingredients,Organic Natural Tween 60 » Organic Natural Tween 20
Organic Natural Tween 20
Tween 20 easily dissolved in several solvent such as water, carbinol, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol. Insoluble in animal oil and mineral oil, with property of solubilization, emulsification, diffusion and stabilization.Used as emulgator, solubilizer, stabilizer, diffusant and lubrican in food, cosmetic, medical, plastic and pesticide industry, softening agent and anlistatig in textile industry, component of polyacrylonitrile spinning agent.
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Used as emulgator, solubilizer, stabilizer, diffusant and lubrican in food, cosmetic, medical, plastic and pesticide industry, softening agent and anlistatig in textile industry, component of polyacrylonitrile spinning agent.
More food grade additives,emulsifier ingredients,Organic Natural Tween 60